National Assembly (Slovenia)

National Assembly of Slovenia
Type Lower house
President Gregor Virant, Gregor Virant's Civic List
since 21 December 2011
Members 90
Political groups      Positive Slovenia (28)
     Slovenian Democratic Party (26)
     Social Democrats (10)
     Gregor Virant's Civic List (8)
     Slovenian People's Party (6)
     Democratic Party of Pensioners (6)
     New Slovenia (4)
Voting system Open list proportional representation with a 4% election threshold
Last election 4 December 2011
Meeting place
National Assembly Building, Ljubliana

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The National Assembly (Državni zbor) is the general representative body of the Slovenian nation. According to the Constitution of Slovenia and the Constitutional Court of Slovenia, it is the major part of the distinctively incompletely bicameral legislative branch of the Republic of Slovenia.[1][2] It is unicameral. It has 90 members, elected for a four year term, 88 members elected by the party-list proportional representation system and 2 members elected by ethnic minorities (Italians and Hungarians) using the Borda count, who have an absolute veto in matters concerning their ethnic groups.

Since 21 December 2011, the President of the National Assembly has been Gregor Virant (LGV), who succeeded Ljubo Germič (LDS). His opponent in the election was Maša Kociper (PS). On the same day, Ljudmila Novak (NSi) and Jakob Presečnik (SLS) were elected as vice-presidents.[3] The third vice-president will be elected after the coalition negotiations following 4 December 2011 parliamentary election will clearly show the most influential party.[4]


Presidents of the National Assembly

  1. France Bučar (SDZ): 17 May 1990 – 23 December 1992
  2. Herman Rigelnik (LDS): 23 December 1992 – 16 September 1994
  3. Jožef Školč (LDS): 16 September 1994 – 3 December 1996
  4. Janez Podobnik (SLS): 3 December 1996 – 10 November 2000
  5. Borut Pahor (ZLSD): 10 November 2000 – 12 July 2004
  6. Feri Horvat (ZLSD): 12 July 2004 – 22 October 2004
  7. France Cukjati (SDS): 22 October 2004 – 15 October 2008
  8. Pavel Gantar (Zares): 15 October 2008 – 2 September 2011
  9. Ljubo Germič (LDS): 2 September 2011 – 21 December 2011
  10. Gregor Virant (LGV): 21 December 2011 – present

Latest election

e • d  Summary of the 4 December 2011 Slovenian National Assembly election results
Parties Votes % Seats
Zoran Janković's List – Positive Slovenia (Lista Zorana Jankovića – Pozitivna Slovenija, LZJ-PS) 314,273 28.51 28
Slovenian Democratic Party (Slovenska demokratska stranka, SDS) 288,719 26.19 26
Social Democrats (Socialni demokrati, SD) 115,952 10.52 10
Gregor Virant's Civic List (Državljanska lista Gregorja Viranta, LGV) 92,282 8.37 8
Democratic Party of Pensioners of Slovenia (Demokraticna stranka upokojencev Slovenije, DeSUS) 76,853 6.97 6
Slovenian People's Party (Slovenska ljudska stranka, SLS) 75,311 6.83 6
New Slovenia – Christian People's Party (Nova Slovenija – Kršcanska ljudska stranka, NSi) 53,758 4.88 4
Slovenian National Party (Slovenska nacionalna stranka, SNS) 19,786 1.80
Liberal Democracy of Slovenia (Liberalna demokracija Slovenije, LDS) 16,268 1.48
Party for Sustainable Development of Slovenia (Stranka za trajnostni razvoj Slovenije, TRS) 13,477 1.22
Youth Party – European Greens (Stranka mladih – Zeleni Evrope, SMS-Zeleni) 9,532 0.86
Zares – Social Liberals (Zares – socialno-liberalni, Zares) 7,218 0.65
Democratic Labour Party (Demokratična stranka dela, DSD) 7,118 0.65
Greens of Slovenia (Zeleni Slovenije) 4,000 0.36
Movement for Slovenia (Gibanje za Slovenijo, GzS) 3,339 0.30
Party of Equal Opportunities of Slovenia (Stranka enakih možnosti Slovenije, SEM–Si) 1,787 0.18
Forward Slovenia (Naprej Slovenija, NPR) 1,100 0.10
Party of Slovenian People (Stranka slovenskega naroda, SSN) 976 0.09
Party of Humane Slovenia (Stranka humana Slovenija, SHS) 295 0.03
Acacias (Akacije) 212 0.02
Hungarian and Italian national communities 4534 2
Valid votes 1,102,256 100.00 90
Total votes (turnout 65.60%) 1,121,573
Eligible voters 1,709,692

Previous elections

e • d  Summary of the 21 September 2008 Slovenian National Assembly election results
Parties Votes % Seats
Social Democrats (Socialni demokrati, SD) 320,248 30.45 29
Slovenian Democratic Party (Slovenska demokratska stranka, SDS) 307,735 29.26 28
Zares – new politics (Zares – nova politika) 98,526 9.37 9
Democratic Party of Pensioners of Slovenia (Demokraticna stranka upokojencev Slovenije, DeSUS) 78,353 7.45 7
Slovenian National Party (Slovenska nacionalna stranka, SNS) 56,832 5.40 5
Slovenian People's Party and Youth Party of Slovenia (Slovenska ljudska stranka in Stranka mladih Slovenije, SLS+SMS) 54,809 5.21 5
Liberal Democracy of Slovenia (Liberalna demokracija Slovenije, LDS) 54,771 5.21 5
New Slovenia – Christian People's Party (Nova Slovenija – Kršcanska ljudska stranka, NSi) 35,774 3.40
The Linden (Lipa) 19,068 1.81
List for Justice and Development (Lista za pravičnost in razvoj, LPR) 5,897 0.56
Greens of Slovenia (Zeleni Slovenije) 5,366 0.51
Christian Democratic Party (Krščanska demokratska stranka, KDS) 4,724 0.45
List for Clear Drinking Water (Lista za čisto pitno vodo, LZČPV) 4,140 0.39
Party of Slovenian People (Stranka slovenskega naroda, SSN) 2,629 0.25
Green Coalition: Green Party and Green Progress (Zelena koalicija: Zelena stranke in zeleni progres, ZP) 2,230 0.21
Forward Slovenia (Naprej Slovenija, NPR) 475 0.05
Acacias (Akacije) 249 0.02
Hungarian and Italian national communities 2
Valid votes 1,051,827 100.00 90
Total votes (turnout 63.10%) 1,056,593
Eligible voters


  1. ^ "U-I-295/07-8" (in Slovene). Constitutional Court of the Republic of Slovenia. 22 October 2008. Retrieved 16 December 2010. 
  2. ^ Lakota, Igor (2006) (in Slovene). Sistem nepopolne dvodomnosti v slovenskem parlamentu (diplomska naloga) [The system of incomplete bicameralism in the Slovenian Parliament (diploma thesis}]. Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana. p. 62. Retrieved 16 December 2010. "Opinions differ, however the majority of domestic experts agree that the National Council may be regarded as the upper house, but the bicameralism is distinctively incomplete." 
  3. ^ "Virant predsednik DZ-ja, Novakova in Presečnik podpredsednika [Virant the President of the NA, Novak and Presečnik the Vicepresidents]" (in Slovene). MMC RTV Slovenia. 21 November 2011. 
  4. ^ "Virant predsednik parlamenta [Virant the President of the Parliament]" (in Slovene). Ž 21 December 2011. 

Further reading

See also

External links